Welcome to my blog where I can share my journey with you! I am a Licensed Parelli Professional Two Star Junior Instructor. Here you can read about my experiences with Parelli Natural Horsemanship, my personal horsemanship journey, and my journey with being a Parelli Instructor. I hope to inspire and empower you with my quest for never ending self improvement. I have been studying Parelli for 11 years and am an official Level 3 graduate. I am studying Level 4 with my two horses, Max and Savannah. I grew up riding horses the traditional way and was in the United States Pony Club for 12 years, where I competed in Eventing and Dressage. My first introduction to Parelli was with my pony, who at the time was not a problem horse. I've had my andalusian mare, Savannah for 7 years now and after 2 years of struggling with her while not using Parelli methods, I knew I had to change something. I have been doing Parelli with her for the past 5 years and graduated Level 3 with her fall 2010. In the Spring of 2010 I received Max from Kelly Sigler. I owe it to my two amazing horses, as I would not be where I am now without them, they are my greatest teachers. The journey so far with Parelli has been fun, fulfilling, challenging, and life changing.

Friday, February 25, 2011

6 Week Reviews!!

Played with Max quite a few times today. Worked on maintaining gait on the circle online this morning. Then rode the patterns around the tracks with a carrot stick. This afternoon I did some zone 5 driving with him and then rode the patterns again.

I was on the hay team again today. We started early at 11:30, since we all watched Road to the Horse this evening and needed plenty of time to hay all the horses. I was with the draft haying team again and was able to harness Lightning and help in hitching the team. It was lots of fun. When we were all done and unhitching from the cart, both the drafts got nervous. It was interesting to see how they could still be so nervous about something they are always hitched up to and doing a job with. Nate showed us how to deal with the team and their emotions and what to do.. what a great learning opportunity!

After lunch most of the externs had their 6 week reviews. The hardest part was definitely sitting and waiting to go in. I was most excited to hear about what I could improve upon to reach my goals in the next 6 weeks. Brian Drake and Berin both were in the room for our reviews. Mine went awesome! Way better than I could have even imagined. I am really enjoying my journey here and having so much fun, and learning SO much! I am excited to continue to put my best foot forward and work my hardest! And of course get it done with a bit of fun!

This evening many of the parelli students gathered in the classroom to what the internet feed of Road to the Horse. It was the opening ceremonies tonight and more will continue tomorrow and Sunday. How exciting!

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