Welcome to my blog where I can share my journey with you! I am a Licensed Parelli Professional Two Star Junior Instructor. Here you can read about my experiences with Parelli Natural Horsemanship, my personal horsemanship journey, and my journey with being a Parelli Instructor. I hope to inspire and empower you with my quest for never ending self improvement. I have been studying Parelli for 11 years and am an official Level 3 graduate. I am studying Level 4 with my two horses, Max and Savannah. I grew up riding horses the traditional way and was in the United States Pony Club for 12 years, where I competed in Eventing and Dressage. My first introduction to Parelli was with my pony, who at the time was not a problem horse. I've had my andalusian mare, Savannah for 7 years now and after 2 years of struggling with her while not using Parelli methods, I knew I had to change something. I have been doing Parelli with her for the past 5 years and graduated Level 3 with her fall 2010. In the Spring of 2010 I received Max from Kelly Sigler. I owe it to my two amazing horses, as I would not be where I am now without them, they are my greatest teachers. The journey so far with Parelli has been fun, fulfilling, challenging, and life changing.

Friday, February 4, 2011

GREAT day!

Today was such a GREAT day!! First of all it was the last day of the 1 Star Instructor course and everyone in the course passed!! I received my certificate for completion of the 1 Star Instructor course!!!! Yeehahh!

This morning we had an informative session with Ann Kiser on the steps to do before teaching your first lesson. This included talking about Liability Insurance, the 50 free lessons, discounts, and other topics about teaching. Lyndsey Fitch then gave a demo on how to start the Game of Contact from the ground. She used Hot Jazz to show us since he just started learning about it. What a nice horse he is! Lyndsey showed us to just lift the bit and put pressure on the mouth and once the horse pushes into release. LOVED seeing the way all of Linda's horses take the bridle and bit... they pretty much chase you for it!

Right before lunch we took the Policy Test again.. and this time I think I put almost all the correct answers down :-) After lunch Carmen Smith received her 4th Star from Pat. It was an honor to be there. We then had our last session in the 1 Star group, where we all received our certificates. The session finished early, so we were able to see the last part of Lauren Barwick's talk on Finesse and dressage in preparation for us watching Walter Zettl this coming week. Was very interesting to listen to her talk, and she is quite funny!

Once the day was over I had the BEST ride EVER on Max!!!! So awesome! Still can't believe how good he was and how much progress we are already making. We did follow the rail at walk and trot, using the lollipop game if he started to get impulsive. We also did some cantering in the round pen. He was so AMAZING!!! I'm so thrilled to have brought both Max and Savannah. Last Sunday, Savannah hurt her leg so she has had the last week off.. which is why I started riding Max in our group extern lessons. Well everything happens for a reason, and right now my plan is to use Max for my externship. He is learning SO fast! It is amazing how much faster Left Brain horses learn over Right Brain horses. I'm so used to so much repetition with Savannah and constantly having to hold her hand. It is totally different with Max. I LOVE it!!!

Tomorrow we will be attending Linda's course on "The Element of Man". It sounds awesome and full of information! Very excited to see what Linda has to teach us!

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